Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yoga Mat Cleaner

Yesterday I made up a new batch of wash for my mat....and mmm~la~la.....gotta share

Whatcha need:
~Spritzer or spray bottle
~ Witch Hazel
~ water
~ Tea Tree Oil
~essential oils of your choice (I'm currently using lavender, rosemary, & jasmine

Fill your bottle half with water, and half witch hazel. Now, witch hazel comes plain or with added goodness. I haven't noticed a difference in the effect, and I've tried both. I'm using some with Lilac. I use it everyday on my face and body and love it. Its a natural astridgent, without alcohol, which we all know dries stuff out. Exactly why the w.h. is better for your mat, than alcohol.
Next add about 20-25 drops tea tree oil <~~~~Who is your best anti-fungal friend!
Then add 6-10 drops each of the remaining oil of your choice. Shake 'er up!

Spray your mat down, and rub with a soft (and lint free) cloth. Hang to dry.

The picture I'm using is my friend and teacher, Jenny & <3
namaste y'all

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tunes for this Tuesday~

Angus and Julia Stone~ ahh. To me, it doesn't get any sweeter than this. This brother and sister duo from Australia have pretty much had all my attention for the past year. I simply LOVE their music. They can be heard on the Teal St corner every-single-day. Even Honey and the kiddos now know most of their songs. And believe they are sweet soundin', I'd have to say, if I could dream up my loveliest of musicians, here they are. I remember the first time I heard this bro and sis, I was working in my garden, and the music was floating from my art studio. I stopped. Her voice- it was magic. And so, a new love began. And growing strong.
They released their first album in 2005 (I think), and have grown from there. I know in the land of Oz, they are huge, and loved, and loved some more. And America is starting to hear why. They finished a tour and now takin' a much deserved break. From what I've read, they are each working on solo albums, to be released this year. sweet. So, I really just wanted to share them with you, in case you haven't heard them. And please, take a trip to their website. Once again, so sweet. Wowie.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lovely lemons

If you're anything like me, a bowl full of lemons always adorns your kitchen. I cook with them frequently, adding the juice to just about everything. Not only does it add flavor, but works as a natural preservative. But you already knew that, didn't you? What you may not know about is the beauty remedies uses these lovely fruits provide. Here are two I use:

For brittle nails~ Rub sliced lemon on your nails everyday for stronger & sturdier nails. Also, soak in lemon juice for 10 minutes, and then brush them with equal parts of vinegar & warm water for good shape.

For blackheads~ Rub lemon juice over blackheads, keep overnight and rinse in the morning. Continue each night till gone. Be prepared this may burn, but has never caused me any kind of nasty reaction or rash.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year! May all your dreams for this chapter come true!