Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tunes for this Tuesday~

Angus and Julia Stone~ ahh. To me, it doesn't get any sweeter than this. This brother and sister duo from Australia have pretty much had all my attention for the past year. I simply LOVE their music. They can be heard on the Teal St corner every-single-day. Even Honey and the kiddos now know most of their songs. And believe they are sweet soundin', I'd have to say, if I could dream up my loveliest of musicians, here they are. I remember the first time I heard this bro and sis, I was working in my garden, and the music was floating from my art studio. I stopped. Her voice- it was magic. And so, a new love began. And growing strong.
They released their first album in 2005 (I think), and have grown from there. I know in the land of Oz, they are huge, and loved, and loved some more. And America is starting to hear why. They finished a tour and now takin' a much deserved break. From what I've read, they are each working on solo albums, to be released this year. sweet. So, I really just wanted to share them with you, in case you haven't heard them. And please, take a trip to their website. Once again, so sweet. Wowie.



  1. It doesnt get much better than them for me either.... listening to them seriously puts me int he BEST mood, every time!

  2. I don't see much of brother and sister duos. There's something so sweet about family and music.
